
Sharing my mindset

Ban 1+N in Django

I always thought of 1+N as a thing that you just keep in your head, catch on code reviews or via performance regressions. This worked well for a long time, however, the less control we have over our SQL queries the more likely it will sneak through those guards.

Metaprogramming Beyond Decency: Part 2

(This is second part of my PiterPy talk adaptation, first part is available here)

Previously I described various ways AST could be used to alter Python language. Now I will concentrate on translation, and we will translate Python to JavaScript.

Metaprogramming Beyond Decency: Part 1

(This an adaptation of a talk I gave at PiterPy. Slides and video are available in russian)

Python gives us deep introspecting and metaprogramming capabilities including bytecode and AST support in the standard library. This facilitates unobvious ways to write code that writes code or otherwise alters its behavior. I will show several different examples of how it could be used for fun and profit.

Boiling React Down to a Few Lines in jQuery

You probably heard something like how React is awesome ‘cause it makes UI a pure function of application state? But even before you started to get that it was complemented with something like how that works on top of immutability and virtual DOM? And then you get free save, load, undo and something insane called time-travel debugging on top of that. Guess what? None of these are necessary to use core React idea and reap its benefits. And I’ll show that in a few lines in jQuery.

Growing Over Backward Incompatibility

Every language needs to grow. It needs to evolve. However, there is a certain barrier it builds around itself over time called “Backward compatibility”. Backward compatibility means you can’t just change the thing in a best way possible, you need to comply to older design decisions, coincidences and even bugs.

So what should conscious designer do?

Why Every Language Needs Its Underscore

(This is an adaptation of a talk I gave at PyCon and DevDay. Slides and video are available in russian)

Do you know what underscore is? In its most general it’s a JavaScript library that makes life better. For whoever writes in JavaScript. I mostly write Python and I also wanted my life better, so I went ahead and wrote a similar library for Python. But the thing is you need to understand a magic behind something to properly replicate it. So what’s the magic behind _?

On ORM Cache Invalidation

Cache invalidation is probably one of the hardest things in computer programming. I understand it as finding a subtle compromise between completeness, redundancy and complexity. I would like to tap into this topic in a context of caching queries built via ORM.

Painless Decorators

Decorators are joy to use. Write? Not so much. One needs to mess with wrappers, function metadata and a fair amount of bookkeeping. Enough things to bury any useful semantics under them. There got to be a better way.

Let’s find that out.

Functional Python Made Easy

There are a lot of buzz about Haskell, Lisp, Erlang and other languages few people code in. But while they play their role as banners, functional programming sneaks into our code in multi-paradigm languages.

I was going to continue this way and later introduce my library of a variety of functional tricks, but suddenly realized it’s not about FP, it’s about utility. And that’s what I will focus on below trying to show you real-life value of funcy.

Abstracting Control Flow

Any programmer, even if she doesn’t see it this way, constantly creates abstractions. The most common things we abstract are calculations (caught into functions) or behavior (procedures and classes), but there are other recurring patterns in our work, especially in error handling, resource management and optimizations.

Those recurring patterns usually involve rules like “close everything you open”, “free resources then pass error farther”, “if that succeeded go on else …”, which commonly look like repetitive if ... else or try ... catch code. How about abstracting all that control flow?